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Communication defines relationships. Whether personal or professional, the success of our relationships rests on our ability to communicate effectively with one another. In care this is understood clearly. Care providers go to incredible lengths to better understand, empathise and involve the people utilising support in their service. The same approach can be applied to your relationship with the regulator of your social care compliance. Regardless of the regulator of your service, talking to people to better understand the care you provide will be a central part of their inspection process. Preparing the people in your organisation for these conversations is crucial to taking control of your compliance rating. We explore how you can work on your team’s ability to communicate clearly with your regulator in this blog. Starting with your care and support team, before moving to managers and leaders, and finally central operations and quality assurance. Each of these conversations will vary in approach and focus but are unified by their ability to impact your inspection rating.  

Care & support team

Your care and support teams are your direct connection to your community. They interact every day with the people drawing upon your support. This gives them an intimate knowledge of the needs of your community, the processes and philosophy of your service as it is applied in action. A role that requires them to be excellent communicators. So how can you best help carers prepare for a conversation with an inspector?  

Confidence is king.  

Confidence in the care they provided, confidence in the information recorded, confidence in their approach and pride in the results. Inspectors want to see the care you provide, but they also want to ensure your carers know how and why they are providing it. Carers with a more formative role in the care development will naturally be more confident when describing it. Building this confidence over time for other carers is a matter of engaging with your team. Ask practice questions to help them familiarise themselves with the process and become more comfortable. 

Confidence with their care management system is also crucial. The right system is an accessible resource for carers to evidence their care and demonstrate their understanding. This is especially true for agency staff. Accessible records offer a level of familiarity with your service that agency staff can draw upon. Creating a continuity of care that underpins quality social care compliance. 

Managers & leaders

It’s important to remember the inspector’s perspective. Your rating is more than the evidence you provide; it is also dependent on the inspector’s ability to comprehend it. A clear and easily navigable software system can help make this information simple to access and follow for inspectors. You can offer them their own login to explore. Or have a carer guide them through the system, highlighting the work they do, their understanding and efficiency. This rings especially true for agency staff. Agency staff using accessible care management systems find it easier to fit into the unique structure of your service. 

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“The Care Inspectorate in Scotland love Nourish. The feedback we’ve had from the last two inspections highlighted how much oversight our managers have. And how much we can share with them. We had an inspection in Edinburgh recently and they were blown away by the fact we could give them a bespoke login that just showed them the information they wanted on the people they were funding. We can do it for local authorities as well. It’s really good.”
Richard Maddison Quality Manager, Care Concern Group

A care management system offers you the ability to record your care accurately. This data is central to your social care compliance. When managers can draw specific and detailed reports they can take more confidence in their conversations. Not just in demonstrating the service they provided, but, crucially, pointing to the outcomes of your care. 

Ownership breeds confidence, just ask anyone with a BMW. When your care managers and leaders feel like the owners and drivers of the care they provide, they will be in the best position to talk about its quality. Pride might be a sin, but it is deadly effective in inspection interviews. When the work you do helps people live their best lives it is natural to take pride in it. Anything else would be unfaithful to the spirit of care. Managers that can harness this pride, and evidence improved outcomes over time, are well positioned for any inspection. 

Central operations & quality assurance

For central operations and quality assurance team members you want to be able to show the big picture. This means being able to communicate your approach to oversight and how feedback cycles through your service in a responsive manner. Showing your processes backs up the evidence provided on a more specific level by your carers and managers. Reinforcing the quality of your care.  

Social care compliance is linked to your policies and procedures. You need to be able to present them and demonstrate how you implement them. Again, this comes back to confidence and ownership as outlined earlier. Care management software can also support you. Simplifying the recording, reviewing and reporting of your policies and procedures. 

Additionally, quality care management systems include an ‘audit trail’. This records every change that occurs on your system. Each assessment, each care plan update and all the clicks in between. This gives you a clearly evidencable history of activity on your platform. Painting a picture in real time of the journey of your care, the reality of your policies and the effort of your team.  

Confidence, conversation and social care compliance  

Relationships are hard, ask anyone whose partner owns a BMW. Communication is the bridge that we build between each other. And whether you are building a bridge between people utilising your service or the people inspecting it, its strength will be defined by the clarity of your communication. This is true to the point that being able to demonstrate the effectiveness of your approach to internal communication in your service is an indicator of quality care.  

But, and it’s a big but, effective communication is not telling people what they want to hear. It is telling them what they need to know. This includes pushing back when you feel misrepresented. You are the expert in your service. Set a standard of open, clear communication with your inspector and you will have the confidence to speak the truth to power. Clarity is rarely achieved easily. With confidence in your service, and the evidence to prove your points, clarity is the result that will earn you the rating you deserve.  

The biggest show of the social care calendar is right around the corner, Care Show Birmingham. The biggest show attracts the biggest names for the most important conversations. This year we are sponsoring the Care Keynote Stage and we are so excited!

There is a wealth of experience and insight on display on the Keynote Stage in Birmingham. Day 1 is loaded with leaders, lessons and laughs. We contacted the speakers taking to the Keynote Stage for some sneak previews of what they will cover. From state regulators to self-regulation there are several great talks, and only one place to see them.

While you’re visiting the show make sure to come say hi to us on stand G40!

Here’s our Nourish insight into the speakers on the Keynote Stage on Day 1, Wednesday 9th October.

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“We know that there’s loads of confusion out there around the single assessment framework. Our goal is to triangulate everything that’s going on, all these different sources of information and experience, to focus on how providers can actually just look forward.”
Mark Topps Co-Founder and Director, The Caring View

Regulatory reflections: continuous improvement in care quality

10:30 – 11:00 

Mark Topps, Co-Founder and Director, The Caring View 
Adam Purnell, Co-Founder and Director, The Caring View 
Caroline Barker, Legal Director, Healthcare Regulatory 
Julie Garrity, Independent Health and Social Care Advisor

The Caring View is a well-known and highly regarded source of useful information and important conversations in social care. Join the hosts, Mark Topps and Adam Purnell as they welcome Caroline Barker, Julie Garrity and the entire care community to a cool-headed conversation on one of the hottest topics in our humble sector, regulation.  

“The focus of our conversation with be, ‘how can we ensure compliance with the regulator with regards to care quality?’ So, we’ve got Julie Garrity, who’s an ex CQC inspector and social care advisor, and Caroline Barker from HCR law joining us. We’re going to talk around. Obviously, we know that there’s loads of confusion out there around the single assessment framework. Plus we’re all waiting for Dr Penny Dash’s full report into the CQC. HCR law has seen an increase in people contesting the outcome of their reports. Julie and other consultants have said they’re inundated with providers that need support. Our goal is to triangulate everything that’s going on, all these different sources of information and experience, to focus on how providers can actually just look forward, be streamlined, and leave the framework as it is with all the changes that are going on.” Mark Topps, Co-founder and Director – The Caring View

Building better outcomes in care: how collaboration between care providers and digital care systems drives quality care

11:05 – 11:35 
Matthew Stewart, Chief Product Officer, Nourish Care 

Our own Chief Product Officer, Matthew Stewart, will be treading the Keynote Stage boards on day 1. With an extensive background that covers a range of sectors, Matthew understands the crucial moment care technology has reached. There are huge opportunities for care providers and digital suppliers to come together and co-produce effective solutions for everyone in care.

Nourish Chief Product Officer Matt Stewart, Keynote Stage day 1

“I love a good challenge. Throughout my career the challenges I faced were consistently about transformation. I worked in many different sectors, but always at the same moment, when there is the opportunity for change, for an industry to take the next step and move forward. As Chief Product Officer for Nourish I recognise that same point in social care. Now is the time for us to face the challenge of utilising digital care systems effectively and take the next big step in quality care. It will not be simple, and it will rarely be straightforward, but we already see positive examples emerging across social care. Join me for an open and ambitious conversation covering what we have achieved already, and what more we can achieve together.” 

Empowering caregivers: building resilience and collaboration with positive emotions

11:50 – 12:20 

Dr Ant Webb, Founder, Switched on Thinking

Dr. Ant, also known as the Brain Whisperer, empowers people through the art of positive mind practice. In a world of constant stress, pressure and responsibility it is no surprise so many carers are facing burnout. Join Dr Webb for an inspiring keynote on stress management and mindset empowerment, designed specifically for the care sector.  

“In this session, I will introduce my powerful Switched on Thinking® methodology, showing how caregivers can shift from reactive to proactive mindsets. I can help carers learn how to identify emotional triggers, manage stress before it escalates, and foster collaboration within their teams to enhance resilience. Through practical tools like the Circle of Awareness®, attendees will leave with actionable strategies to improve their own well-being while enhancing the quality of care they provide. This is a must-attend talk for those looking to build a stronger, more supportive care environment while preventing burnout and enhancing team cohesion. Don’t miss this transformative session!” 

Different not worse: why we need magnificently different people in care

13:30 – 14:00
Big Ian Donaghy, Chair

The sweet tooth from chocolate city, Big Ian Donaghy will be the Chair for the Keynote Stage. He will also be taking to the stage himself just after lunch to talk about how we can all benefit by supporting neurodiversity in care. 

“My talk is about why we need to embrace the neuro divergence population into care. If we want things to stay the same, then we need to be bringing people into care who just think the same and do the same and are happy to do the same. Whereas, if you want to create change, you need somebody who looks at things differently. Someone who does things differently and someone who maybe treats people differently. We need people in care who are different, not worse. People in care who are different, not less. We need people who are magnificently different to create change, to make care better. So, I’m doing a big thing about why we need to go looking for the people who view things differently so that we can revolutionize care.”

Getting your evidence right for your CQC inspection

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“Our hope is that attendees leave with the confidence and knowledge to excel in their next CQC inspection.”
Vikki Beckwith Managing Director, The Affinity Care Group Limited

14:15 – 14:45 

Vikki Beckwith, Managing Director, The Affinity Care Group Limited 
Tiffany Nelson, Operations Manager, The Affinity Care Group Limited

Regulators are a common source of consternation in care. Inspections are always going to involve stress; it is a natural part of the process. Providers know how important it is to put their best foot forward in these situations, but do you know how? With recent reforms and reports there remains an air of uncertainty when evidencing to the CQC. An air that Affinity Care Group are looking to help providers dispel with their informative and actionable afternoon talk.  

“At the Care Show Birmingham this year, we’re covering a topic that I believe many care providers will find valuable. Evidencing for a CQC inspection is a major challenge for many in the sector. As a business, you may be doing everything right, but if you can’t evidence it properly, your rating could be impacted. Last year, we focused on navigating the CQC’s new Single Assessment Framework, but this year, we’re shifting to a more actionable topic. Our hope is that attendees leave with the confidence and knowledge to excel in their next CQC inspection.” Vikki Beckwith, Managing Director – The Affinity Care Group Limited 

Menopause matters: steps to improved and sustainable support for our teams in the care sector

15:00 – 15:30 

Angela Boxall, Chief Executive Officer, Majesticare Luxury Care Homes 
Diane Danzebrink, Consultant, Speaker, Educator & Author, Menopause Support

Menopause is a big topic, one that has a profound impact on the social care workforce. However, it is too frequently relegated to small conversations. Join Angela Boxall and Diance Danzebrink as they take on the big issues at the heart of menopause and how care providers can improve the support and understanding they offer. 

“In our session I will be sharing an overview of the diversity of the menopause experience to help organisations understand how they can offer help and support to colleagues, whatever their menopause experience. My own experience made me acutely aware of just how difficult it can be to navigate the confusing worlds of menopause and mental health without the right help and support. As a result, I combine my professional therapy skills, experience and nurse training in menopause to focus on providing factual, evidence-based information and support to help others navigate menopause and mental health.” Diane Danzebrink – Menopause Support

Care Keynote Stage Day 1

With so many great options for attendees at Care Show Birmingham 2024 it is understandable to have your attention divided. Make sure you make time for some of the engaging sessions we have listed above. And don’t forget to come visit us on stand G40, we’ve got plenty more surprises in store!

CSB 24 Keynote Stage Day 1 Audience

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Community is at the heart of quality care. At Nourish Care we are indebted to our community of users, one that spans a range of care types and locations in the UK. We know that the best results come from clear communication and committed collaboration. Our users frequently provide the inspiration and insight that drives the development of our platform. So, it is only natural that we are always looking for opportunities to connect directly with our users. This summer we welcomed over 70 of our valued users to The Gherkin in London for our customer conference. The conference took place over an afternoon and featured idea sharing, our latest product road map and some inspirational talks from guests and Nourish leaders. 

Welcome Drinks at The Gherkin

The best place to start is always at the beginning, and there’s no better beginning than a drinks reception. The conference kicked off at lunchtime with a selection of drinks and ‘mocktails’ provided by the lovely Gherkin staff. It takes two separate lifts to get to the iconic floor 39, known locally as ‘The Helix’. The magnificent view of London’s skyline slowly started to fill with chatter as the attendees made their way up. The sound of conversation quickly filled the floor and provided a wonderful soundtrack to the view. 

Keynote Speaker: Dr Waheed Arian

The Gherkin Dr Waheed Arian speaking

Once everyone had proceeded upstairs to ‘The Iris’, the famous glass dome at the top of the Gherkin for lunch, a delectable chicken ballotine followed by a lemon and ginger posset, it was time for the presentations. The first speaker of the afternoon was the incredible Dr Waheed Arian. The doctor, humanitarian, and innovator shared his story with the audience and his perspective on ‘the business of compassion’. Everyone in the room shared his vision of providing health and care support through passion. He detailed the sense of pride and joy we all receive from working with people, and implored attendees not to fall victim to overt self-criticism at our perceived failures. The last question, ‘what does care mean to you?’ carried with it an implicit instruction, ‘Do not lose sight of what you mean to others’. 

An Insight into Nourish

We all took a break following Dr Arian’s evocative presentation. Upon returning it was time for the Nourish representatives to take to the stage.

First up was Nourish founder Nuno Almeida. Nuno took us through a brief history of the past few years, the pandemic, supply chain issues around the world and reassured us all with the fact that quite frankly, ‘there is no return to normal’. This stark and honest reflection underpinned Nuno’s entire talk. In a world of constant change (did you know there’s 70 elections happening around the world this year?) we turn to the people we trust for support. This rings true in technology as it does in care. Reiterating Nourish’s focus on building our team to be the right people for the challenge ahead, Nuno painted a picture of a bright, and collaborative future. 

The Future of Product Design

Next up was our new Chief Product Officer Matthew Stewart to discuss our new product agenda. Matthew brings a wealth of experience to his role and demonstrated how this is already benefiting Nourish. The talk focused on the key areas of our new product agenda, and how we will be moving forward. Crucially, the session ended with an open Q&A to promote collaboration and idea sharing. Several attendees shared their perspectives and helped further focus the product agenda as we move forward. Co-production is a vital tool for the future development of care, and this is especially true for the development of care technology.  

Nourish Partnership Programme

The development of care technology does not have to be a lonely road, as we learned in the last session of our conference. Our Director of Partnerships and Business Engagement Denise Tack detailed the motivation and success of our emerging Nourish Partnership Programme. She was joined on stage by Camascope’s Customer Director Saurabh Shah and PainChek’s Head of Business Development Tandeep Gill. They explained exactly why our Partnership Programme is ‘not just an API hub’ but a collaborative undertaking. One built on a foundation of philosophical and technological alignment. We look for partners whose background, motivation and vision match ours at Nourish as well as their technology.

The Gherkin Nourish Partnership Programme talk

A Great Inaugural Event in The Gherkin

It was a great day for sharing visions all round. We are deeply grateful to everyone who made the trip to The Gherkin to join us for the day. It was a fantastic time overlooking London Town, learning about our users’ worlds and sharing our plans with them. We can’t wait for the next one, and plans are already in place to hold it in a more northern location so we can engage with our community across the UK.  

The day was a reminder of the size, breadth and impact of the community we are a part of, and the joy and purpose we feel working with you. 

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At Nourish Care we’re committed to continuously improving the accessibility and inclusivity of our technology, working towards our goal of developing a solution which truly works for everyone. We spoke to our Head of Product Design, Kate Horn, to learn more about our approach to embedding accessibility and inclusivity at the heart of our product design process.

“Accessibility and inclusivity have accidentally become a bit buzzwordy in the design world recently,” explains Kate, “and most definitely in health tech design. Why? Finally, we are all talking about ensuring that anyone can access the products we are creating. At Nourish these are not just words, they form the basis of design values that go right to our core, we are person-centred. We believe in a better life for everyone. To achieve this, we need to make sure anyone and everyone can use Nourish.”

Accessibility and inclusivity are hot topics in care technology right now, but what do those terms really mean?

“Honestly? They mean quite a lot of different things! 

“It is a common misconception that when we talk about accessibility, we are only talking about how we apply colours to designs and how we can make it high contrast. This is a factor, but it barely scratches the surface of the work to be done to make a platform, or an app genuinely accessible to anyone who wishes to use it.  

“Hold on a moment though, we are talking here about using something that is in your hand already. We need to take a step back and think about the technology and very basic level of access first and how, as designers, we can get the app into your hand or onto your desktop in the first instance. Given that you are reading this digitally, this is clearly not a problem for you but consider this; in 2022, 13-19 million people in the UK over 16 lived in a state of digital poverty. That means they did not have the tech, skill, or resources to fund internet access on one or more occasions a week.  

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“So, before we’ve done any designing, we need to think about the technology that is being used by the people we are designing for.”
Kate Horn Head of Product Design

We cannot just build for the latest and most shiny versions of everything. Accessibility means we need to think about making sure what we create is available to everyone. In a way which does not exclude people, starting at the point of access and empowering them to enjoy the full experience of the platform.

“Inclusive” needs to go even further and it is worthy of a blog post on its own. For now, I want to touch on the importance of ensuring that inclusivity extends to individuals feeling genuinely included, seen and represented within our platforms.

How then do we approach design at Nourish to be accessible and inclusive?

First of all, we aim for the highest possible standard. There is a framework for accessibility in digital design for us to follow called WCAG. Within this there are levels, the highest of which is standard 2.2. This is what we strive to achieve. Standard 2.2 covers everything from the use of text, audio, layout, contrast, colour, platform adaptations, use of imagery, operational considerations, inputs, consistency of design and ensuring the platform is robust. And that’s just to start!

It is a solid start, however, a framework does not go far enough for accessibility and it doesn’t answer the requirement for inclusivity. To achieve this, there are several other elements to consider, starting with words.

Words are a powerful way for us to be both engaging and human, when used correctly. They are also one of the quickest ways for us to disconnect people from Nourish. If we describe areas of the platform or tasks using inhuman or technical language you first have to understand what we really mean and then have to choose if you really want to do it. We’re to make things simpler for you, not more complicated! So, step one for us is to speak in common English and start to create a comfortable experience.

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“Great design should be comfortable, like pulling on your favourite jumper and jeans – you shouldn’t have to think about it.”
Kate Horn Head of Product Design

Next on that list is understanding who we are designing for. This requires us to become so embedded in the health and care sector that we are a part of the furniture. Great insight means we understand the everyday challenges the people who are using our platform experience. This ensures we craft experiences for our platforms that work to solve these problems in a way that is comfortable for everyone.  

How do you focus on solutions that work for everyone? 

Throughout this blog I have used the words “anyone” and “everyone”. These are crucial terms for defining our approach. Typically, designers aim to design for the bell curve, that is, the biggest group of users.  

We simply cannot do this in health and social care. We have to step back and design solutions that truly work for anyone. This “flattening” of the curve is really important. It goes to the core of what we work to achieve as a company and the heart of our values as a design team. We want to create technology to truly wrap around the user in a great experience.

So what does this mean for the Nourish platform?

As users of Nourish will know, we’re continuously improving the accessibility and inclusivity of the platform, these really aren’t just buzzwords to us. We are working towards our goal of creating a system which can be easily used by anyone. There’s always more that can be done but by keeping these principles and our users at the heart of our design processes we are able to keep our person centred goals firmly in sight. 

Book a demo to find out more about Nourish and how we can work with anyone, and everyone in your community. 

Book a Demo

Social care is in a state of change. Care providers tasked with being the steady hand through this change have consistently risen to the challenge. Despite having little control over the changes as they happen. At Nourish Care we are embracing this change by working with our users to develop a social care future we are all proud of.  With increasing standards, new regulations and extended funding availability it is clear now why so many care providers are embracing change themselves and switching to Nourish.  

A Multitude of Choices

Care providers have a wealth of options when choosing a digital partner. Under the original standards for the NHS Assured Solutions List (ASL) there are 24 Digital Social Care Records (DSCRs) to choose from. That’s without mentioning the systems who don’t reach these standards. The ASL is enjoying notable success so far, as it continues to work towards its target of 80% of care providers on DSCRs. Digitisation is widespread through social care now. To the point that many care providers are shopping around for a better system to match their service

The ASL was always intended as a starting point for the digitisation of social care. The Department of Health and Social Care has announced the second step of this journey, with the recent release of the 14 new standards for DSCRs on the ASL. We are one of the few providers to have achieved all 14 of these standards. You can read about the specifics of the standards here. 

Our New DSCR Standards

The Well-Rounded Option

We are the largest software supplier to have achieved the new standards. As well as being one of the first to get listed on the ASL following its initial launch. Our legacy of forward thinking and innovation consistently aligns us with the future direction of the social care sector. We are proud to be working closely with key decision makers in health and social care.  

We support care in a huge variety of settings. Including older person’s care, nursing, home care, learning disabilities, dementia, supported living, assisted living, substance abuse, mental health, children and young people and more. Each care setting is unique, and each care setting requires specific understanding to support effectively. 

Our experienced and understanding customer success and support teams will work with you to make sure our system fits your service. Whatever your needs are, and whatever they may become in the future.  

Sense and Scalability

Once you switch to Nourish, we are with you every step of your journey. Should your journey lead you to new business opportunities we are the best equipped software supplier in social care to support your expansion. Whether you are focussed on a single type of care or support a range of different needs. 

You can also scale your functionality as desired, thanks to our comprehensive partnership programme. The programme unites key best-in-class innovators like Camascope for eMAR, Radar for incident management and PainChek for pain management. All while keeping a finger on the pulse for emerging technologies that will substantially impact the social care sector. 

Additionally, we offer more in-depth data packages called ‘Insights’ and ‘Analytics’. These features provide a much richer insight into the data gathered across your service. Perfect for larger care providers who collect vast swathes of information every day, but have no clear way to transform this potential into insightful, actionable information. 

The New Root of Inspections

The Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) rollout of their new Single Assessment Framework (SAF) is enduring some understandable teething challenges. Initialisms aside the ambition of the project remains clear. The regulator wants to streamline processes and better respond to the needs of the people who draw upon care.  

We facilitate these new developments as effectively as possible. We work with organisations like the Care Software Providers Association (CASPA) to share our voice and insights on the development of digital social care with key decision makers in local and national government. Our work on alignment with #socialcarefuture helps to guide the future of our system as much as they guide the future of the wider care communities. Socialcarefuture are the co-authors of the ‘I/We Statements’ that define the SAF scoring.  

Switch to Nourish

There is always something new to be considered, a fresh function to be explored or a new piece of legislation to be adhered to.  

We cannot know the future; all we can do is prepare for it. We have read the tea leaves, built our houses from stone and made hay while the sun shone. All so we can continue to lead the way in digital social care, through innovation, understanding and collaboration

Social Care is in a state of change, and with that ever-present uncertainty comes a great opportunity. Switch to Nourish today and take control of your change, with your team, your service and your community.  

Find out more about switching to Nourish

We all understand the importance of valuing and respecting those we care for, when we speak about how you can truly deliver dignity in care, it might be hard to conjure up an exact idea of what that really means or looks like. Luckily Dignity in Care has come up with the 10 Dignity Do’s – an easy list that describes the values and actions of a high-quality care service that respects and upholds people’s dignity to the highest standard.

The 10 Dignity Do’s

  1. Have a zero tolerance of all forms of abuse
  2. Support people with the same respect you would want for yourself or a member of your family
  3. Treat each person as an individual by offering a personalised service
  4. Enable people to maintain the maximum possible level of independence, choice and control
  5. Listen and support people to express their needs and wants
  6. Respect people’s right to privacy
  7. Ensure people feel able to complain without fear of retribution
  8. Engage with family members and carers as care partners
  9. Assist people to maintain confidence and positive self-esteem
  10. Act to alleviate people’s loneliness and isolation

What are Dignity Champions?

A Dignity Champion is a person who believes that being treated with dignity is a basic human right, not an optional extra. They believe that care provision must be: compassionate, person-centred, efficient and effective, and are willing to take action in order to achieve this.

“I have handed out Dignity in Care 10 Point ‘Dignity Do’s’ Cards to all staff in my care home – each time we have a team meeting we focus on one of the 10 Dignity Do’s and discuss what we can do to meet that challenge. Each meeting results in us making changes to the way we provide care.”

– A Dignity Care Champion

What does a Dignity Champion do?

Dignity Champions are those in a care organisation that champion and uphold the 10 Dignity Do’s, as well as advocate and share the importance of dignity in any form of care. This includes:

Where can you find out more about the 10 Dignity Do’s and becoming a Dignity Champion?

You can find out more about becoming a dignity champion and the 10 Dignity Do’s by visiting Dignity in Care’s becoming a champion or register page. Another helpful resource is the Dignity Champion’s Toolkit for Action, which includes actionable insights, ideas and advice for people in a range of different care roles to help make a difference and bring dignity to care.

How can Care Organisations offer a more personalised service?

There are many ways that the Dignity Do’s can help care groups, teams and organisations improve their level of care and adapt to offer a continuously improving level of service. Championing the Dignity Do’s is only the start, we believe that in order to provide the highest quality care, moving to digital care planning enables you to create personalised care plans, record care accurately at the time of providing care and understand and act on trends about those you care for. By using digital, you can be much more efficient and spend more time providing person-centred, quality care.

To find out how care software and technology can be used to enhance your care service, or help you to better care for those you support, book a demo or get in touch with the team.

Thank you to Warrington Community Living for sharing the following article on their website. We love hearing how Nourish‘s digital platform  is helping and improving care services across the country!


Elizabeth Lodge is a well-established and family run residential care home based in Alverstoke, Gosport.  It has a team of twenty-seven lovely staff, devoted to looking after 18 individuals, the majority of whom have some form of cognitive impairment.

Nourish has been a partner of Elizabeth Lodge since 2016, and have been able to see them flourish through going paperless. I spoke with Emma Curtis, the manager of Elizabeth Lodge & Amelia Pullinger, the deputy manager to discuss all things Nourish. Amelia was previously a bank staff carer alongside studying for about eight years, before becoming a deputy manager in February 2019.

How were the daily notes recorded at Elizabeth Lodge when you first joined?

We used to have these big paper folders of paperwork, which we would all have to sit down and go through at the end of every shift. Things would often get missed out, because by the time they’ve sat down to write their notes at the end of a long shift, people would forget things.

How has Nourish been different to the paper-based method of recording notes?

Although we did log things in the paperwork, they were not as detailed as what we have now on Nourish, as we now have the day grouped into all the different care interactions. Before it was just text. Because Nourish enables you to record things as you go, it is more thorough and more detailed.

How have you experienced recording at the point of care?

The mobile handsets have definitely cut down our time on writing. The younger staff, who are used to using their phones, just think it’s brilliant, but there was a learning curve. For some of the older carers, it did cause anxiety and it was a big change.

Have these perceptions of technology changed over the time of using Nourish?

Definitely, one of the biggest challenges was people who were nervous about technology and didn’t want to change. This did take time, but now they’re more confident using it.

David, our Head of Account Management at Nourish, has worked closely with the team at Elizabeth Lodge over the years and has seen first-hand how they’ve developed: “As an early adopter of the Nourish system, the care team at Elizabeth Lodge have embraced all sorts of changes within the home and have our full support. Three years on, we are really pleased that Elizabeth Lodge continuing to have a strong partnership with Nourish.”

To find out more about how Nourish can benefit your care service, book your free personalised demo today!

In the residential care home sector, completing paperwork has long been a laborious task, often left until the end of shifts. This was certainly the case at family-owned Richmondwood Residential Care Home in Charminster. But when you walk through the homely hallways and into the lounge today, there’s no frantic scribbling to be heard; only the sound of happy chatter, the hum of Dickinson’s Real Deal and the occasional chirpy bark from Sophie, one of the resident’s Toy Poodle.

The carers station is free of piles of paperwork. They are instead going about their daily care with smiles on faces and small devices in hands.

Before Nourish

Like any care home, Richmondwood used to have hundreds of paper records to complete, update and store. Care plans, risks assessments, daily notes, weight charts, fluid charts, nutrition charts; the list seemed endless.

Carers would have to sit down at the end of their shift and spend at least half an hour writing their notes, taking precious time away from the people they were caring for. Lucy Glazer, who co-manages the home with her sister Holly, said: “They would have to free write a paragraph about the care provided in the morning, afternoon and evening covering everything from assistance required and food and fluid intake to mood and activity involvement. They would then need to store these in various different folders; folders which senior carers would later have to sift through in order to review and update the required care plans.”

For Lucy, going digital was a no-brainer but Holly wasn’t so sure.

Going paperless concerns

“I was very hesitant about moving from paper to electronic records,” said Holly. “I’ll admit I’m somewhat of a technophobe and liked the comfort of having something I could physically touch. You knew that if you wrote something down in ink, you could always see it. Of course, a piece of paper could be lost or damaged, but I was just worried about records being deleted.”

Fortunately, Lucy was very thorough in her search for a supplier and knew exactly what she wanted from a digital system. When she came to understand who Nourish Care were and what our system could do, she set about alleviating her sister’s concerns.

“I’d been super keen to go digital for ages but nothing was right in the market,” added Lucy. “When I discovered Nourish Care, their solution was just what I was looking for. It would allow our senior management team to create digital care plans and our carers to make their daily notes on the go with small handheld devices similar to Smart Phones. Being completely secure, nothing could be deleted and everything was instantly searchable in one place. It was great.”

Working closely with the team at Nourish Care, Lucy and Holly were able to configure the system so that their care plans and daily notes were tailored to the care they provide at Richmondwood and to the individual residents’ needs. Carers now see a personalised timeline of care tasks for each resident, so that they can easily see which tasks are due when and add in the care notes directly after the care is provided; either by typing or talking into the device.

The impact for Richmondwood

Having all of the information accurately recorded in real-time and instantly accessible means that the carers in the home are kept informed of any changes throughout a shift. Not only does this save the carers time, but the senior management team too. Lucy and Holly now see a real-time overview of their home and can search for notes at the click of a button. This makes dealing with external enquiries from health care professionals, family members and CQC inspectors that much simpler.

Care plans are now also reviewed more frequently, because all the information from the carers automatically feeds into the plans and reports can be generated instantly; changes in health or mood are therefore more easily tracked. The quality of the information recorded has improved significantly and as a result, so has the quality of care provided.

Lucy said: “The biggest difference is knowing more. We now record more data than we ever did before and therefore we have more knowledge. It’s definitely improved accuracy. Just being able to manage fluid charts more effectively has had a huge impact. We can input residents’ fluid requirements individually and then a reminder will pop up on the system every couple of hours with fluid levels. It’s the same with MUST scores too. Before, you only had to make one tiny mistake in the equation for the score to be wrong, but that’s all done automatically. It’s amazing.”

Since using the Nourish Care System, the team at Richmondwood have freed up an entire cupboard, which once stored paperwork, and filled it with games and puzzles for the residents. They’ve saved financially on shredding costs, and deciphering hand-written notes or spilling coffee on paper forms are no longer issues. More importantly, they have improved the quality of care they are able to provide and the residents and staff are happier for it.

Lucy added: “There has been a benefit at every level. Yes, it saves time, but it’s what we are able to do with that time that really matters. Physical care and human interaction can never be replaced and the idea of using technology is to give carers more time to actually care. Using Nourish Care’s system also provides Holly and I with peace of mind as we can access the information from anywhere, even when we are not in the home, and provide support to the team if we need to.”

To find out more about how Nourish can benefit your care service, book your free personalised demo today!

This week it’s Nutrition and Hydration Week, where people are encouraged to raise awareness of the health benefits of eating enough of the right foods and drinking enough of the right fluids. A message which is of great importance in the world of care.

Being well-nourished and hydrated contributes significantly to someone’s overall physical and mental wellbeing, and the risk of malnutrition and dehydration only increases as we get older, as do the consequences. So it’s an important topic in care of all shapes and sizes and something that every care service or provider should bear in mind.

Here are three ways that the Nourish digital care management system can help care providers to effectively monitor the food and fluid intake of the people they care for; minimising the risks of serious health problems, encouraging good health and making it easier to provide a more personalised service.

1. Monitor and report fluid intake

Maintaining good hydration is incredibly important for a number of reasons; not least because it aids digestion and gives people strength, but also because it can significantly minimise hospital admissions, in the event of falls for example.

With the Nourish fluid intake tool, care teams can set fluid targets for an individual based on a number of individual factors including;

The amount and type of fluid offered and drank can be recorded throughout the day, and total intake will be automatically calculated to show how close to the target an individual is.

To encourage regular fluid intake, checks can be diarised so that care teams will be alerted throughout the day if someone is seen to not be drinking enough because it hasn’t been recorded, furthering to support care teams and help them work smarter, not harder, to provide those in their care with the hydration they need.

Reports can also be generated using data collected over longer periods of time, to help care teams identify if there has been a reduction in fluid intake, and therefore investigate the reasons as to why this might be and flag any potential issues with those they support.

This functionality can also be replaced by a fluid in and fluid out tool if the passing of urine needs to be recorded, for people who may suffer from fluid retention for example.

2. Easily record meal preferences and consumption

Care providers who have adopted the Nourish system no longer have to record lengthy and time-consuming written notes on what a service user has eaten throughout the day. Our software features remove the need to try and remember what was eaten and when it was eaten as this information can be recorded at the time the meal was given.

To save even more time, the Nourish system can be configured so that four-week menus are built in, enabling carers to select which specific meal was provided from a drop-down list rather than making them have to type out the details.

Carers are also able to record how much of the meal was eaten, whether the service user enjoyed it and if they required any assistance. All of this information is reportable in a graph format, so that again, trends can be tracked and any issues can be raised.

Finally, food preferences, dietary requirements and allergy information is clearly visible to ensure the correct type of meal is given and there are never any mistakes, another way our systems are designed to help carers provide the highest quality of care possible.

3. Complete and analyse MUST scores

Our elderly population is particularly at risk of malnutrition as the ability to chew and swallow can decrease with natural ageing, health changes and poor oral and dental health. As well as ensuring a varied and healthy diet, care teams should use the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) to help establish whether there is a nutritional risk.

Within the Nourish care system, carers can record MUST scores using the BAPEN scale in just three clicks of a button, all previous or historical numerical data is pulled through from previous scores, migrating the information to eliminate the need for manual calculation and reduce the risk of human error.

These can be scheduled at regular intervals so that care teams are alerted when MUST assessments are due. Reports can also be generated quickly and easily that compare previous records within an unlimited time frame, allowing for the identification of any decline or improvement as well as trends and insights based on this.

More than just nutrition and hydration management

With fluid intake, meal preferences and consumption, and MUST scores all recorded/stored in one place and instantly available, updating nutrition and hydration care plans has never been easier or more effective.

To find out how our care software for real-time care planning, as well as our daily notes can enhance the amount of information you can record and help to improve your quality of care, get in touch to book a demo with the team.