Nexus Integration
Advancements in nurse call technology unearths a wealth of valuable data for care homes when surfaced alongside daily care records
We’ve partnered with Nexus by GHM Care, a powerful messaging and reporting platform that enables alerts from any nurse call system to be sent directly to carer smartphones, improving staff efficiencies and response times. Care teams will have complete transparency of the time of day calls are being made, time of acceptance, reason for the call and the resolution times.
What is Nexus?
Nexus by GHM Care is a messaging platform that delivers nurse call alerts directly to the devices of your care teams. Silence noisy alarms, improve the quality of care and access live nurse call management information with Nexus for a calmer home.
With nurse call alerts delivered directly to your devices, Nexus is driving a greater resident experience through interoperability. This information surfaced alongside daily care records offers contextual oversight, further promoting better care decisions and outcomes.
Find out more about Nexus
If you are an existing client and would like to find out more about how Nexus works, then please get in touch with your account manager to discuss it further.
If you are a new customer, book your free personalised demo of the Nourish platform today to find out how Nourish can help your care service.