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Speech to Text

Quickly record voice notes on the go and let the Nourish app turn speech into text.

What is speech-to-text?

To deliver the best quality care, it is crucial to understand that no day goes by where something unpredictable doesn’t happens. Nourish voice-to-text allows care workers to speak directly into the handsets they carry to add additional information to interactions. If unexpected events happen or there is a drastic change in an individuals behaviour or mood, it can be recorded in a lot more detail, quickly and easily.

The benefits are clear:

  • Capture more detailed information
  • Save time physically writing notes
  • Eliminate errors or gaps in records

How will it help me and my team?

Speaking directly into the handsets helps improve the quality and quantity of information being recorded– you and your care team are able to quickly add more detailed information. Information that otherwise might not have been recorded if being written.

By removing the need to type or write down notes, you will be reducing errors and unnecessary stress so there’s no need to worry about spelling mistakes, grammar or punctuation. Every note is editable as well so you can always go back and amend any small mistake.

Find out more about Speech-to-Text

If you are an existing client and would like to find out more about how Speech-to-Text works, then please get in touch with your account manager to discuss it further.

If you are a new customer, book your free personalised demo of the Nourish platform today to find out how Nourish can help your care service.