Our founder and CEO, Nuno Almeida, is featured on Care Home Professional’s cover for July 2023.
Nunoshares his thoughts onthesocial caresector, the growth and future of Nourish and how we align closely with the ambitions of our customers.
“We think we have the best product in the market. What makes the difference is our understanding of how a good digital product – with the right integrations, data science, sector knowledge, when all brought together – can translate into better outcomes for people needing care. We can do this from a single care home to hundreds of locations with a variety of types of care.”
Want to know more about how Nourish can work for you? Book a personalised demo with our team and see how Nourish can truly adapt to your care service.
Thank you to Warrington Community Living for sharing the following article on their website. We love hearing how Nourish‘s digital platform is helping and improving care services across the country!
Electronic care planning isn’t just improving the lives of those in care, it’s improving the lives of those working in care too.
Personalised care plans are the best way to ensure your care team provide the most person-centred support to those they care for.
Each individual is different, therefore a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t always work, especially when you care for people with very different needs.
When it comes to working with personalised plans on paper, things can be quite tricky. With care teams looking after many different people at the same time, a lot of carers’ time is spent looking at care plans, writing up notes and analysing information by hand, which can become very time consuming, and ultimately takes away from the time they could be spending with those they support.
Working digitally transforms the way care teams work with care plans
As personalised plans become far easier to create, manage and analyse online, they can also be shared easily with members of a care team so that everyone can see the information they need at the click of a button.
This results in people receiving a much more personal and bespoke level of care, and ensures care teams are always working with a person-centred approach. There are many benefits to personalised care plans that are empowering teams to provide a greater level of care.
Having a team of carers who enjoy their job is so important when striving to deliver outstanding person-centred care. When care teams are happy, this shines through in their delivery of care. Here’s just a few ways personalised plans are empowering care teams working digitally……
1. Improved team efficiency
The most common way care teams are feeling empowered by personalised plans is through increased efficiency.
Having each care plan easily accessible at the touch of a button can save carers a huge amount of time looking through stacks of paper and spending lengthy periods writing up notes. It also means there’s no confusion or questioning when shifts change, as you handover to the next carer they have all of the same information readily available. Knowing what’s been done and what needs to be done allows carers to ensure people are getting everything they need in a timely fashion.
The Nourish system has a handover feature which allows carers to quickly scan through what a previous member of staff has done that day or night, which means that change overs are seamless and consistent care is provided at all times.
2. Increased confidence in your role
With personal plans for each individual they support accessible at the touch of a button, carers are feeling empowered through that added confidence in their role.
Personalised plans provide in-depth information about a person and their needs, including everything from their allergies and medication history to their likes and dislikes. Having this information to hand allows carers to get to know the people they support, and in having this deeper understanding of their needs, carers can feel confident they are providing the safest form of care for individuals.
The Nourish system has the ability to log notes and send direct messages to other members of staff, so if something doesn’t look right or they’re unsure of something, this makes it easy for care teams to communicate with each other and support each other in their daily tasks.
3. More time with those you support
Those who work in care do so because they want to help and make a difference in people’s lives, but when there’s mountains of paperwork to do at the end of a shift, this can sometimes make carers feel like they could be doing more if it wasn’t for all the admin that comes with the job.
Personalised plans that are created digitally allow carers to spend less time on admin and paperwork, and more time doing what they do best, which is caring.
“Saved around 30% of the time care teams would have spent writing their notes” and “quite easily saves staff around 20 minutes per shift”.
Recent case study with Supported Living Services
Personalised plans empower care teams to work with a person-centred approach, as it gives them the time to spend with those they support in a face to face environment. Spending quality time with those in care is good for both the person receiving and giving the support.
The majority of carers’ job satisfaction comes from being able to make genuine human connections and really make a difference to those they care for. Admin is often seen as a necessary evil of the job, but a digital way of working can cut down this admin time immensely, which makes a huge difference to the way in which care teams work.
4. Provide greater autonomy to care teams
Autonomy is the key to a smooth running team, and personalised plans can help provide greater clarity on what each individual needs, without any uncertainty.
With a comprehensive care plan, handover notes and direct messaging available within the Nourish system, carers no longer need to search high and low for specific information about a person. A personal care plan will have all the important details of what that person needs, so that the carer on duty can simply get on with their work efficiently and effectively.
The Nourish system has a comprehensive care plan and personalised timeline that can give carers an extensive overview of a person’s biography, care needs, medication, emergency information and more.
5. Boost workplace morale
Having easy digital access to personalised care plans is empowering care teams in the workplace with a better understanding of what is required of them in their role. Working digitally eliminates a lot of the uncertainty and groups all information together in one central location, which provides greater structure and direction for care teams.
With a clearer view of the needs of each person under their care, their work becomes easier and they feel more motivated to go above and beyond. With a more streamlined system that everyone has access to, admin time is drastically cut down and teams are empowered to provide more person centred care, there’s no doubt that a digital way of working is going to boost morale in the workplace.
With the structure and efficiency of a digital personalised plan, teams can put all their effort into providing outstanding care for everyone.
Bespoke personalised plans for care teams
A smarter way to care. We’ve worked with over 1,000 care services and organisations to deliver truly person-centred care plans that transform the way care teams manage and support those they support.
For more information on how the Nourish system can help your care service begin to empower your care teams, get in touch or book a demo today.
As you may have already seen, we’ve developed a close working relationship with former CQC inspector Anne Weston. Anne is now part of RHW Care Consults, a specialist team designed to help care providers with their regulatory commitments, which helps to provide Nourish with critical guidance when it comes to regulatory updates and compliance. Her direct experience of how the regulatory bodies operate, along with her vast knowledge of the care industry, make her perfectly placed to help guide care providers on a range of different technical topics they may need advice on. This week, we spoke to Anne regarding one aspect of care recording that is often overlooked when working in a busy care environment – “positive person-centred care”.
What is person-centred care?
Person-centred care is a way of providing care so that those receiving and giving it are on equal footing when it comes to developing, monitoring and undertaking care, ensuring it always meets a person’s individual needs. This doesn’t mean that you give people whatever they want, nor does it involve mindlessly providing information, it’s about considering a person’s individual and personal wishes, family, values and circumstances, then working with them to create the best possible solution for care that’s tailored to their individual needs.
What does it mean to be positive in regards to care recording?
When recording care, being positive means communicating in a manner that reflects the positive aspects of the care and support being described, and not just the negatives. It’s the difference between – “Gladys is unable to get to the toilet herself and frequently wets the bed” which is a negative way to record care. Instead you should record in a style that highlights what she is able to do, such as “Gladys is able to use the toilet when aided by one of the care team” and “This means that she needs to be helped to go to the toilet before she goes to bed and first thing in the morning”.
Here are my top areas for ensuring your care planning is both positive and person-centred:
Recognition – Always make sure the person in care is acknowledged, call them by their name, make eye contact or physical contact.
Negotiation – Make sure that those in care are consulted about their preferences and how they are being cared for and supported.
Collaboration – Never forget that you need to work with the person in care; collaborate and don’t just do things to/for them. Taking time to learn about the person is essential to providing all aspects of person-centred care from activities to meal times to personal care.
Empowerment – Don’t be afraid of releasing full control and assisting the person to discover or employ abilities and skills on their own.
Play – Having fun, enjoying yourself with the person is part of providing person-centred care and getting to know and understand their needs on a deeper level.
Stimulation – Using one or more of the senses to enjoy something for example, smelling a flower, stroking velvet, listening to music, watching others participate and actually participating in activities/creativity.
Celebration – When the person achieves something, celebrate it with them and make sure that they feel all of the positivity that comes with making achievements.
Relaxation – Helping the person relax, perhaps with music, offering hand massage or other nice things you can do to help them feel at ease.
Validation (in relation to those with dementia) – Recognising and supporting the reality of the person. Sensitivity to feelings and emotions should take priority.
Warmth – The care worker demonstrates genuine affection, care and concern for the person in a warm, compassionate and kind-hearted manner.
Genuine – Being honest and open with the person in a way that is sensitive to his or her needs and feelings.
Facilitation – Assisting a person to achieve something they would not normally be able to do alone.
Creation – Helping the person in care carry out creative acts and activities which help them express themselves.
Giving – The person is able to give the carer or another resident some affection, gratitude or assistance.
Belonging – Providing a sense of acceptance in a particular setting regardless of abilities and humour.
How does Nourish support positive person-centred care planning?
The Nourish care management system allows you to style your recording in a way which is completely customised to the individual receiving care. With person-centred timelines at the heart of the system your care teams are helped to record care that is bespoke to the individual.
If you’d like to find out more about how Nourish’s care plan software can help you deliver person-centred care planning and management, then give us a call on 02380 002288 or email the team at caring@Nourishcare.co.uk and one of our experts will get in touch. To find out more about how Nourish can benefit your care service, book your personalised demo today.
We spoke to Anne Weston from RHW and asked her what she would say the, “Top 10 essential care planning tips care providers need to consider when considering care plans and their management” would be. This article covers the areas she feels care providers can really make positive gains and improve the care they are able to provide.
The care planning process needs to follow an organised, systematic and deliberate format, which supports and guides care delivery. This means there should be a logical and systematic flow of the information, right through from the initial assessment to the final evaluation.
The Top 10 Essential Care Planning Tips
Care plans must be specific and measurable For example ‘Make sure Mrs Smith is comfortable when sitting’ is not sufficient. The care note should read ‘Mrs Smith should be made comfortable when sitting by providing a cushion for her back and a footstool to rest her feet’. This provides a specific task and a measurable outcome.
A care plan is a legal document treat it as such This means that it shows accountability and identifies the care to be given. It should guide the work of others and be a basis for continuity of care
Use a positive care recording style instead of negative
Instead of recording “Mrs Smith can’t reach the toilet and is frequently incontinent”; you should endeavour to record your notes in a positive style. “Mrs Smith is continent when supported by staff to use the toilet frequently and regularly. Give Mrs Smith the opportunity to be supported to use the toilet before and after all meals, after mid-morning and mid afternoon tea, and before going to bed” this demonstrates more respectful approach and brings us onto the next point.
Record person-centred approaches showing respect, value and appreciation
Using a person’s life history to help enabling control, choice and participation; promoting an enabling environment; maintaining and developing relationships, knowing what is important to someone and why it’s important helps to promote effective care provision.
Focus on a person’s abilities and strengths Rather than concentrating on what someone cannot do, you should record what the person can do and what support they need to enable them. For example you should record that ‘Mrs Smith is able to wash her face, hands and front but needs help to wash her back and lower half of body’ rather than ‘Mrs Smith is unable to fully wash herself’.
Focus on the person’s perspective
Rather than focusing on the staff’s perspective; you should accept and enter into the person in care’s world. Don’t force them into your perceptions, which can cause distress to the person.
Record any preferences the person has
A great example of this is when the person in care has a preference as to how you as a carer, should assist to provide personal care and in what order. Never forget that their preferences have priority over yours as to how you deliver care.
Do not use labels
Examples we come across regularly include ‘wanderer’ and ‘difficult’, these do little to explain and understand behaviours. You should focus on understanding behaviours and contextualise their ‘To be aware that Mrs Smith starting to pace up and down the corridor is a strong indicator that she needs to use the toilet’ or ‘ Mrs Smith expresses her lack of understanding of what is happening by trying to hit out at care staff if they do not approach her in a way which suits her’. ‘Therefore you should always approach Mrs Smith directly in front of her, do not approach from behind or from the side’.
Demonstrate the involvement of the person
Written evidence of their involvement in the activity is always preferable, “Gerard had a great time this morning playing bridge” rather than “played cards”.
Show compliance with the Mental Capacity Act
Record clearly if you have involved other people in the assessment and care planning and why, according to the requirements of the Act.
Want to know more about how our care plan software can work for you? Get in touch with our team today and book a personalised demo.
If you work in care you will probably spend a great deal of time carefully planning and organising your care plans and pathways. So how do you know if your care plans are comprehensive enough to not only pass a regulatory inspection, but actively help those in your care receive effective support?
In order to help care providers avoid the many pitfalls that come with poor care plans, we’ve compiled a list of the top 12 mistakes poor care plans make and a subsequent list of methods you can use to avoid making them and ensure you always use effective care plans.
What makes a poor care plan?
Those in your care don’t have any involvement in their own care planning
The care plans you use are not focused enough on the holistic needs of the person in your care
The information within the care plan isn’t specific in setting out the needs of the person in care, the goals you want to achieve and the support that is required
The care plans are not easily understood by carers or those being supported
The care plans do not contain enough detail to be useful
The information within the care plans is either misleading, non-factual or both
The care plan has any sarcasm, inappropriate or unprofessional terminology contained within it
The care plan focused solely on the disabilities of a person rather than their abilities
The care plan does not justify why specific types of care are given and fails to base these on the person’s individual needs
They contain no clear evidence that any regulatory outcomes are being met
They contains no reference or evidence as to when the plan was created, updated or modified
The care plan is static documentation with no reviews or evaluations, leaving them unable to adapt to a person’s evolving needs
How can you make sure that you avoid the pitfalls of poor care plans?
Each of the points we’ve made above has its own set of risks and requirements which all lead to a lower quality of care, but with the right approach, technology and techniques, care plans can be designed to avoid all of these pitfalls entirely.
Below we’ve detailed the best ways we’ve found to overcome these care plan pitfalls and how you can navigate through them yourself:
Always involve the person with their own care plan
Make sure you question the full set of needs for the person in care
Be SMART about your care plans
Adopt a care plan software like Nourish to ensure that all of your care plans are easily understood by those involved in care
Make sure you record an appropriate level of detail in each case
Keep your records to factual and truthful information
Remember your care plans can be read by anyone, ensure you stay professional at all times
Be positive in your recording methods, don’t focus on the negatives
Explain why care is being provided and how it meets the person’s needs
Ensure that you adhere to regulatory requirements at all times
Using digital care management software will make sure that all activities logged are recorded with a time and date stamp. This means you are always able to prove what was provided and when
How can you find out more about how Nourish can help your care planning?
If you’d like to find out more about how Nourish can help you improve your care planning and avoid some of the pitfalls we’ve discussed above, then give us a call on 02380 002 288, get in touch with the team or book a demo.
Let’s face it, when you work in care there can seem to be an overwhelming number of different buzzwords, jargon and acronyms involved in the information you get given. This is especially true when you look at the practices involved with providing people with good quality care. Today we’re going to be looking into integrated person-centred care planning – we’ll help you to demystify the term and try to encourage you to adopt the practices it involves into your care provision.
What does person-centred really mean?
To begin with we’ll be looking at what “person-centred” actually means in regards to care. Simply put, it’s a shortened way of expressing the creation of a series of activities aligned to specifically cater for a person and their requirements. In a way it’s how you choose to culminate your care pathways & activities in a bespoke manner to provide someone with actions, activities and results that are focused totally on the individual.
How does it apply to care planning?
Person-centred, applies to care planning, when you take into account the clinical, holistic, desires, needs and wants of person when creating their care plans. It doesn’t stop there, however and in order to be truly person-centred, care plans must be created collaboratively with the person in control of the care interventions they want to accept, how they wish to receive them and designed to enable the person at every opportunity.
So what does integrated person-centred care planning actually mean?
Here’s where things get a bit trickier. In order to provide integrated person-centred care planning, care professionals from all areas need to work together in order to ensure that the person in care has a seamless provision of their care, no matter the setting.When you have a person whose care requires the interventions from a variety of different social care and healthcare organisations, this can become fairly complex and has only realistically been achievable with the introduction of electronic health records and electronic care planning systems.
How can using Nourish help empower your person-centred care planning?
Here at Nourish we focus firmly on empowering person-centred care for those who provide and are in care. You can read more about our vision in our recent article on “framing personhood to manage frailty, needs and wants” from our founder Nuno Almeida. It’s why we’ve designed the Nourish system from the ground up to help enable people to receive tailored care and empower carers to do just that.
Person-centred care planning with Nourish
Nourish’s care planning system helps care workers, care teams, care managers and senior care providers with person-centred care planning by:
Focusing care notes and care plans in a completely Person-centred manner. This is done from the central timeline of tasks, all of which are created bespoke to the the service user, resident or the person being cared for.
The system is designed from the ground up to be simple to use for carers, it frees up time that was previously spent on administration and allows care providers to focus on providing more one-to-one care.
Care teams have the ability to record, understand care notes easily enabling scenarios where care is easily tailored and personalised in delivery.
We’ve spent a huge amount of time designing the Nourish system to help communication between care teams. This means that it can be used to directly help to engage carers, even between locations and shifts.
The Nourish system contains dedicated information sections regarding personal preferences . This means that carers can quickly establish a person’s wants, needs and desires instead of just focusing on their frailties.
Carers can implement a whole host of different customised preferences such as Gold Standard Frameworks, MUST, Waterlow and more. This helps carers to easily keep track of a person’s health and access the right information to support customised health interventions at the touch of a button.
Interested in finding out more information?
Our team of experts are always happy to help talk through how the Nourish system empowers care teams and care providers – talk to us today to find out more.
At Nourish we don’t take the typical path when it comes to care plans. Rather than telling care providers how they ‘should’ go about their care planning, we prefer to learn how they like their own care plans built. We know that care plans are not a one-size-fits-all exercise. There are a whole host of good reasons for care providers to adopt different styles in the care plans they choose to use.
How is a robust care planning template created?
Much has been written about how care plans should be put together. But ultimately, the structure of the care plan template needs to be decided by the senior team of the care provider (including its owners) who will set how the service should be led and by the care managers who will conduct service delivery day to day.
Care planning isn’t just about documents, its about shared journeys with each person
Although it is tempting to shrink the care planning exercise to a structure of needs assessments, a list of support services and the risks involved; good care providers are increasingly recognising that a good care plan covers a representation of a person as a whole. This means they need to cover their wants as well as their needs, their abilities as well as their frailties.
Recognising the person’s life beyond their clinical conditions and frailties is an essential part of providing person-centred care and support that truly maximises a person’s quality of life at every stage of their lives.
Getting this information goes well beyond an admission interview, or a comprehensive assessment; getting to know a person takes time, and people change their preferences and habits. Care planning is part of all interactions with the person and their close circle of support, family and close friends, not just at discrete times.
Care providers are different and so is their care planning
Some care providers may prefer to tackle recovering mobility with garden activities, others will focus on dancing, this will allow different care providers to resonate with different clients. This is why care plans cannot be the same for all care providers. Because care providers decide, which services to provide and together with their team decide how they are provided, how they are adapted to each individual’s wants and needs, the care planning framework must support the team in this journey.
Fundamental building blocks to a robust care planning framework
The building blocks you need to consider when building each care plan include:
A Summary of Person-hood, “who am I”
A clear biography of the person, what is important for this person, the aspects of their life that matter to them, their favourite form of treatment (e.g. “Dr. Smith”, “Aunt Ann”)
A short and very clear list of their likes
A short and very clear list of the person’s dislikes
Define the areas to be assessed and assessment for each of those areas, as well as conclusions from that assessment and the date of the next reviewed
For each area where needs are identified, how will the person receive support? Is there an opportunity for recovering self-management and if so how will the provider empower the person to recover independence?
How will support be provided the person in care and by whom?
Outcomes agreed between the carer and the person on what they want to achieve
There must be plenty of connections between day to day care and the care plan
In a modern care planning framework, people receiving care have the ability to continuously give feedback about their care, as well as help to improve and adapt the care they receive. This includes the ability to manage consent, allow a next of kin and other informal carers to record relevant notes, raise warnings and alarms, as well as help to stay involved in the care of the person.
Interactions in someone’s day to day care are typically recorded by carers as daily notes. However increasingly, there is information from connected devices, Telehealth or Telecare equipment, wearables and internet of things (IoT), as well as notes from relatives and volunteers outside of the care provider’s organisation. All of this information, when managed digitally, can be used to automatically update care plans, trigger reviews and enable care managers to have the best possible representation of the context of the person and their care, and feel reassured by the clarity of transparency of the quality of the care being provided.
How can Nourish help with your care planning?
Nourish is designed to support organisations in transforming how care information is managed, with radical improvements to the operation of care services and continuous improvement to care delivery. To find out more please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
At Nourish there are a number of principles that guide our work. Firstly we understand the importance of planning in care, which is why we put care plans at the heart of what we do. Establishing a care plan is key to providing truly personalised care, so we designed Nourish to make that process as smooth as possible.
No two care settings are ever the same, which is why Nourish is flexible and customisable. Our approach is to tailor Nourish to work for care teams, not the other way round. So if a care team has well-established care plans that they are already using, we work with the team to take those care plans online with Nourish – creating the same order that carers are used to. Other settings may prefer to use Nourish care plan templates and then customise them to the care they provide – from nursing care to dementia care to domiciliary care to learning disabilities.
Secondly we use clear, user-friendly design to allow Nourish to fit into carers’ daily work. Care plans can be set up to generate tasks on a daily schedule – for example, if part of a person’s care plan is to monitor a person’s weight loss, daily tasks can be set on the timeline to check nutrition and food intake. Carers have told us time and again that the two hours they used to spend at the end of a shift on paperwork has simply gone, because by the time the shift has finished they have already made all the notes they need to.
Thirdly, care is provided not by a single person, but by a circle of care. Within a residential setting, this may involve the care team, visiting medical staff and family. In home care settings, friends and neighbours may also play a role. With Nourish, notes can easily be made by each person providing care. That information is then stored and organised in the care plan logs in a clear way so that others can access it when they need to.
With all this in place, generating reports no longer involves spending hours retrieving files from the shelves but can be done with just a few clicks, before, after or even during a CQC inspection if required. Care plans can easily be reviewed and audited, which is also vital when it comes to inspection. Reviews may be scheduled, but care teams also have the flexibility to react to changes in a person’s condition which may trigger the need for a care plan review.
Care requires both consistency and flexibility. We designed Nourish to support those needs. Which means care teams can get on with doing what they do best – provide the real, human, compassionate care that enables the people they care for to enjoy the best quality of life possible.