Internal Dashboards
Stay informed and get a clearer view of care with our user-friendly Internal Dashboards.

What will Internal Dashboards allow me to do?
Our Internal Dashboards will provide you with a clear view on the status of care plans and warning trends.
As a manager you will have better visibility of your care service with dashboards highlighting to you the type and amount of warnings care teams are raising, as well as giving you an overview of the care plans within your service.
Viewing Reports…
Using all the information within Nourish you will also be able to create bespoke reports which can be viewed in various formats, including:
Find out more about Bespoke Reports
If you are an existing client and would like to find out more about how Bespoke Reports work, then please get in touch with your account manager to discuss it further.
If you are a new customer, book your free personalised demo of the Nourish platform today to find out how Nourish can help your care service.