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Group Interactions

Maintain control over documentation and interactions across different services in your group with our Group Interactions feature.

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What are group interactions and what do they allow me to do?

Often it can be hard to keep consistency across a group and once improvements are identified it can be almost an impossible task to implement the changes.

With the nourish Group Interactions feature, a nominated user has the ability to control and manage documentation such as daily records, assessments and policy & procedures across the different care services in your group. For example, any changes made to an interaction at a group level, will automatically apply to all services who use it.

Centralised management of interactions & documentation
Easily circulate new documentation across a group of services
Quickly make changes to documentation at scale
Evidence continuous improvement

How will group interactions help me?

Ensure consistency across group
Speed up process of circulating new documentation
Reduce errors in the management of interactions across group
Identify and share ‘best practice’ across teams

Whether you want to roll out a new document, update an existing one or even remove one from circulation completely, the Group Interactions feature gives you the flexibility to do it. This helps to make sure documentation is consistent across different care services and allows for policies and procedures to be attached from a library. This means that all teams can have access to the latest version of policies and procedures and they can be viewed on the mobile handheld devices they use to record care.

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If you’re not yet using Nourish within your care service, get in touch with us to book your free personalised demo today!

Find out more about Group Interactions

If you are an existing client and would like to find out more about how Group Interactions works, then please get in touch with your account manager to discuss it further.

If you are a new customer, book your free personalised demo of the Nourish platform today to find out how Nourish can help your care service.