At-home care by Nourish Community
An all-encompassing digital care management solution for people living at home.

What is Nourish Community?
Truly person-centred care doesn’t just exist at home, it includes the local community. Living a full and happy life goes beyond the care received at home. It’s in the family visits, socialising with community groups, a trip to the shop, enjoying a coffee at a café or exploring local nature attractions.
Combining Nourish’s digital care planning and recording platform with rostering and invoicing functionality, Nourish Community brings the sector’s leading platform to care services providing support for people in their home and local community.
This is Nourish Community. Where the people you care for are supported to live well in their local community, with the people they love, doing the things they want.

How does Nourish support community care?
Nourish brings domiciliary care providers everything they need to manage their service digitally and produce the best care for both their teams and the people they support.
Nourish’s unrivalled configurability allows for seamless partnership with a wide variety of care types. Nourish Libraries consist of templates for care planning, recording interactions, assessments and much more. We tailor it to help you manage any specific pathways, medical conditions, frailties and day-to-day operational needs. Our robust collections can adapt to any care setting. Nourish Libraries have been built alongside care and clinical professionals, with a deep understanding of the sector and needs of the population.
Nourish Community empowers its users to provide care with a suite of features to simplify your organisation’s processes. Developed alongside our users, Nourish boasts best–in–class rostering and scheduling, as well as a wide range of functionality to support your team and service. Whether it is eMAR or call monitoring, our users save time every day through the Nourish Community system – time you can then put back into your care.
Key Features
Nourish Community ensures the management of your community care service is simple and seamless.
Drag and drop appointments to suitable staff, easily view travel time between appointments and utilise recommendations for which member of staff is most suitable
Templates for care plans and assessments, in line with industry best practices and tailored for community care. Your staff can swiftly and effortlessly begin using the system
Provide a personalised and responsive care experience that reflects your commitment to meeting individual needs of the person you are supporting and fosters an ever-improving standard of care provided
Automatic payroll generation from scheduled and recorded appointments with easily customisable settings to suit the needs of your service
The benefits of Nourish Community are clear…
- Specialised systems – bringing together the expertise and specialism of Nourish to benefit you, your care teams and the people you support
- Manage those you support and your carers – with functionality to plan, record and analyse care you provide to those you support as well as being able to manage staff schedules, invoicing and payroll, running your service and providing the best care possible is a breeze
- Connect with the community – We’ve designed our platform to connect to the wider health and social care community. Our family portal helps keep people connected to the support their loved ones are receiving, and access GP records and medical notes of the people you support for more informed decision-making via GP Connect.
- Exceptional user support – Nourish Community continues the legacy of industry leading user experience at both Nourish, with our teams always ready to support you, and every service having a dedicated Customer Success Manager to help ensure you get everything you need from our system

Book a demo
This isn’t just a software integration; it’s a partnership that can redefine how you deliver care and manage your operations. Find out more about how Nourish Community combines Nourish planning and rostering functionality to support your care service.