Year one of the Adult Social Care Transformation Programme is coming to a close with year two on the horizon – have you made the most of the programme yet?
There are likely to be changes going forward from year one to year two. The most significant change is the possibility of backdating funding. In the first round of funding, care providers that had purchased and implemented an assured digital social care record after April 2022 were advised that they would be able to apply for retrospective funding but this window will close by 31st March 2023. As the programme moves into its second year, it is expected that care providers will need to apply for funding prior to committing to an Assured Supplier. Care providers who feel they may be entitled to retrospective funding as part of the year one programme should apply to their local ICS before the 28th February. As the programme continues to mature, ICSs will continue to run the programme under local objectives in line with the national guidance – this means that the funding available to care providers will continue to vary across the country.
It is essential to speak with the programme lead working for your ICS in order to express your interest in receiving funding. If you are unsure who or how to contact your ICS, Nourish can help. We have a relationship with each ICS and those leading their programmes. We can assist and advise you on what steps you need to take in order to secure your funding and in most cases advise on how much funding you might expect based on the local offer.
For large groups who have care services in multiple ICS regions (and are not applying for funding through the Market Oversight fund), we have created a quick reference guide so you can find out exactly what each ICS region is offering and requires from your care service in that area. Get in touch with our ICS team today to discuss.
Not only does Nourish have a relationship with each ICS but we have experience of supporting care providers through their digital transformation journeys. We have supported a wide variety of care types from small services supporting less than 10 people all the way up large groups supporting over 10,000 people.
There are numerous events happening all over the country both online and in person by each ICS to share information with the care services in their area. More regions will be starting their ICS programmes in year two so if your area hasn’t started promoting their funding programme just yet, it may be coming soon. Find out if there are any events in your local area on our website here.