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News 30th November 2020

Nourish Medication Integration: Bringing digital care planning and medicine management together

By Sarag

This week we are excited to announce our brand new product launch, the Nourish Medication Integration Module. At Nourish, we now support integration with a number of leading eMAR providers, making care team’s user experience even more seamless.

This new feature allows you to get updates from your eMAR provider pushed directly through to your Nourish device at set intervals throughout the day. Along with an individual’s personalised timeline and care plan, you’ll be able to see information such as current prescriptions, medication history and a detailed log of medication that has been administered or missed.

How can the medication integration benefit your care service?

Currently, most care services keep track of patient medication via a third party eMAR System. This means that when administering medication or checking medication records, it is required to log into the eMAR to find and log all the relevant information, and sometimes this is still done by hand. 

We wanted to make digital care planning with Nourish even better, by creating a way to integrate the two systems, with a view to streamlining medication administration and making care planning even more efficient. 

The new medication integration has been rolled out and tested across a few care services using different eMAR providers, and the results have been fantastic. Based on the feedback we received from these services, here’s just a few ways the launch of this new integration can benefit you…

Easy access to medication reports 

The greatest benefit of the Nourish medication integration is the ability to quickly and easily access medication data for anyone in your care. Information is pulled through from the eMAR system and added to an individual’s timeline, so care teams can clearly see when and what medication has been administered to those they support. 

The integration also makes audits and reports much easier, with one care service noting how they can now easily spot trends in refusal of medication, prompting them to investigate further and adjust care plans accordingly. 

“It can support our medication audit process and determination of medication errors. We have also found it has highlighted clearly where there has been a consistent refusal of any medication and this has led to GP reviews and appropriate changes of medication”

Greater efficiency and focus on person-centered care 

With care teams being able to access medication information directly from their Nourish device, this ultimately speeds up service and allows for more person-centred care. Medication can be administered more quickly, and the sharing of medication information is also much easier. 

Should a resident need to see their GP or be admitted to hospital, a detailed report of their medication history can be produced in an easy to read format from the Nourish platform. While a print out of the eMAR report should always be submitted too, not everyone is familiar with reading eMAR charts, thus the Nourish report can help this information become more digestible to managers and other healthcare professionals within the sector.

“Unless you are a medical professional, MAR charts don’t necessarily make a lot of sense, so I think by seeing the simplified layout within Nourish, it’s easier to see and understand how that information contributes to providing person centred care”

Greater insight for care home managers 

As managers don’t often administer medication themselves, having access to medication information through Nourish can give care home managers and owners clear and concise reports that are easy to digest. The medication integration can provide insight and information that may not be readily available otherwise. Feedback from our Beta Testing from managers suggested that they felt more aware of the bigger picture with access to medication via Nourish.

“It’s been invaluable for managers. As we don’t administer medication ourselves, we can see a clear overview of what’s going on without having to know the eMAR system”

– St Bernard’s Residential Care Home

Empowered and confident care teams

Care teams can feel even more confident in providing the safest possible care for those they support with on-the-spot access to information regarding medication. This allows them to further decrease their time spent looking at paperwork and information, and spend more time with people on a face-to-face basis. 

Having transparency across the entire care team rather than just one or two people looking after medication means there is a much better understanding of what individual’s needs are on a day-to-day basis. 

“It has saved us so much time by being able to see everything all in one place on the Nourish device. Before, if we wanted to find out if medication had been administered, or check someone’s history of medication, we would have to log into the eMAR system on a separate device” 

– St Luke’s Hospital

“Each member of our care team can see what medication has been administered and when, which can really help tailor care to the individual on a daily basis. Certain medications or lack thereof can have a significant impact on someone’s daily living, especially if they are in a lot of pain” 

– St Bernard’s Residential Care Home

To find out more about the Nourish medication integration and how it can benefit your care service, click here. If you are not currently using Nourish for digital care planning, why not book your free demo of our platform today. 

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