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News 1st August 2022

New Nourish Integration: VCare

By Sarah Jenkins

Nourish Care integrates with VCare electronic medication administration record (eMAR) building a hub of leading digital solutions for health and social care providers, driving success through choice and flexibility. 

VCare Systems is a leading medication management company whose eMAR platform connects care homes and pharmacies. The system has been designed to reduce medicine-related errors by alerting care teams to potential missed medications. Nourish & VCare share a vision of connecting healthcare systems and stakeholders through the power of integrated, well-designed software.

In August 2022, Nourish introduced VCare to their suite of eMAR partners. This collaboration will enable mutual VCare and Nourish customers to share information between the platforms, surfacing key medication information alongside daily care records to drive better care outcomes. By integrating the two systems, all medication administered will appear on the daily timeline and within the Care Plan, what’s more the integration provides first response teams with contextual medication information readily available via the Nourish Emergency Information Pack. 

Chief Operating Officer and Founder of VCare Systems, Saurabh Shah said; 

“We’re absolutely delighted to be integrating our system with the Nourish market-leading digital care management software, which will bring great value to our clients. We’re excited to give more organisations the ability to visualise a full picture of a resident’s health in a single place. We see first-hand the issues in wider healthcare caused by a lack of interoperability between systems and this partnership is a pivotal step in breaking down those barriers.”

Nourish Head of Propositions and Partnerships Steve Lawrence had this to say;

“We are thrilled to be working with VCare, this partnership will give Nourish customers further autonomy over their eMAR management. By surfacing timely and insightful medication information alongside daily care records, we are empowering care teams to deliver truly person-centred care. Nourish integrations are always carefully designed to reduce administrative burden and improve care outcomes. We are delighted to offer the positive benefits this integration brings to our customers and the people they support.”

Deputy Manager at Carebase, Anita Radecka said; 

“The Junior Care team can see what medications have been given or refused on the timeline which is very useful when evaluating daily care needs. Surfacing key medication information which is used at the point of care certainly paints a bigger picture!”

Nourish Care is an app-based care management platform that allows care services to record at the point of care, streamline administrative processes and equip teams with the tools to provide more person-centred care and improve outcomes for the people they support. Nourish works with more than 3,500 care services in the UK and overseas within residential homes, nursing homes, learning disability services, mental health services, and other care settings. Nourish was one of the first recognised as a NHS Transformation Directorate Assured Supplier for the Digital Social Care Records (DSCR) DPS at launch and were also the first accredited by the PRSB as a Quality Partner, working to promote best practice standards for care.

To find out more about how Nourish can benefit your care service, book your free personalised demo today!

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