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27th June 2023

Case Study: Care 4 U 2 Day

By Sophie Hibbert

Social care is defined by connection. These connections are particularly intimate in Home Care, as people open up their homes to the services, and the services in turn help people to feel more connected to their own communities. For a digital solution to be effective, it must understand the importance of these connections. That’s what Care 4 U 2 Day’s Managing Director Paul Hayes found when he looked for a new digital partner in 2017.

A Thoughtful Decision for Care 4 U 2 Day

Care 4 U 2 Day’s success is built on the experience of their team managers, and the preparation they put in when setting up the company.

“When we first started the process,” explained Paul, “it took us over two years to read and write our policies and procedures. The reason it took two years is because I had to have an understanding of what the regulations were.”

As part of this process Paul examined the possibility of using digital software to help them manage their business.

“So when we first started, within the first year, I designed our software myself. But after about 12 months, I knew that I had to change. We needed to have monitoring systems in there. That’s when [our previous system] approached us. Which looked good at the start, but when I started to use it, it was so complicated. We had to move away, so we stopped using it and went back to the old system which we had until 2017.”

Building Something Together

In 2017 an enterprising member of Nourish made a personal visit to Paul, and show him in person some of the features of our platform.

“2017 is when Ken came to us. He was away on holiday and he came all the way up and popped into this for about two hours. Naturally I was impressed with the dedication, he was on holiday and still turned up to speak to me and Paula and demonstrate the system.

Partnerships are crucial to business success. As times change, we need to adapt and grow along with them. In Social Care this is done by working alongside people to find the best solutions available. An ethos we have learned from providers and one we champion to this day.

“With [our previous system] you didn’t feel like partners with them. They had all the systems in place and said ‘there it is, take it or leave it’. With Nourish you have a voice. You can say ‘this is what the problem is’ and then it goes away.”

Red heart Red heart Quote
“Because the more we all work together, the more your system will be about providers.”
Paul Hayes Managing Director

Collaboration and communication are fundamental to our company’s culture. This is how we established ourselves as a business, and this is how we continue to grow with our customers.

“I’m always looking at improvements of the software, always looking at how we can improve things, and make it better. Not just for us, [but] for everyone around who uses Nourish. Because the more we all work together, the more your system will be about providers. Because you’re part of the system, part of the company, improvements can be made all the time.”

Perfect Partners

Care 4 U 2 Day is a family run affair. Paul and his wife Paula have been the driving force of the service for years. Over time their daughters have brought their business experience to help grow the quality of the service they provide. This familiar, familial relationship frequently extends down the phone line when Paul calls us.

“It’s about relationships, businesses are built by people. When I speak to the [support team], when I have them on the phone, or when I forget things. They don’t make judgments, they’re always there to help and resolve problems.

“The [Support Team] are very good, never a problem. Every time they phone up and they want a password, I just wind them up all the time. This is a relationship that I have with them. It’s more helpful. They like it as well, because obviously I just wind them up all the time. That’s the relationship we built ever since 2017.”

The Future

It is never easy finding the right partner, someone who listens and can grow with you. At Nourish we are built through collaboration, and it is through that collaboration we continue to develop. We are defined by our connections just like everyone else in Social Care.

“I’m not going to move. The reason why I won’t move is because when you know a system, and you’ve designed the system to try and find ways to make improvements, what is the point of changing? Because someone else says, ‘well, I could do it cheaper’? It’s not about the money. It’s about the people and working as a partnership.

If you’d like to find out more about how Nourish can help your home care service, click here to book a demo with one of our team.

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