Thank you to Avante Care & Support for sharing the following article on their website. We love hearing how Nourish is helping and improving care services across the country!
Pilgrims View residential care home has introduced Nourish, an app-based care management platform that will enable Avante Care & Support to remove paper care plans entirely.
Electronic care planning brings many benefits, including working more efficiently when recording residents’ information and freeing up more time to focus on our residents. Other benefits include creating consistent reporting across the home, less data input duplication, and quicker access to historical resident data. Pilgrims View is a vibrant care home community with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Residents enjoy activities, go on outings, and have plenty of opportunities to socialise with other residents and staff.
At the heart of Pilgrims View’s care delivery ethos is the Eden Alternative approach. In following this framework, we can ensure the overall well-being and excellent care delivery for all our residents. Staff encourage social interaction and work towards eradicating loneliness and boredom. We believe this sets Avante apart from other more process-led care providers.
Jennifer Rafemoyo, Home Manager, said, ‘We have all been so excited for this day to come and the transfer over to the Nourish electronic care planning system. We can now input information at the point of contact, allowing for a more in-depth and “person-centred” assessment of our residents’ personal and practical care needs. In addition, Nourish uses cutting-edge technology and allows us to identify patterns of behaviour and well-being indicators that have otherwise not been identified. We are very much looking forward to working with Nourish and spending more time with our residents’.
Pilgrims View care home has a wealth of specialised resources to support individuals living with dementia. The introduction of Nourish will allow more community engagement and support more daily activities for our residents, ensuring that every resident has a vibrant and fulfilling life.
Ensuring we stay properly hydrated and eat a balanced diet every day is an essential but sometimes an arduous task. Adults are recommended to drink approximately 1500ml of liquid every single day and eat a minimum of 5 fruits and vegetables as well as food from every food group. How you can ensure these needs are met are explained below.
A shrinking appetite is another side effect of natural ageing and difficulties with tastes and textures are common for those with learning disabilities. But there are many ways to encourage and improve food intake through activities and switching up the way food is presented. Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for keeping a healthy immune system, decreasing the risk of being deficient in nutrients and the chance of broken bones in an accident. For some, maintaining a healthy weight may be a struggle so, with the appropriate advice, fortifying food with cream, milk powder or butter may help. For others, a modified diet is essential to prevent episodes of choking. All food and drink can follow the seven levels of the IDDSI scale. When food is modified to fit the IDDSI scale, it loses its form and looks less appetising. As we typically eat with our eyes, using piping bags or food moulds will help make modified food look more appealing and therefore will help anyone on a modified diet to maintain a healthy weight.
Adding food-based activities to your activity programme will not only increase food intake but also will fall under the category of activities of daily living. These are activities the average adult would do in their own home, such as folding clothes, cooking, and cleaning. Including such activities promotes independence and has a positive impact on mental health, wellbeing, confidence, and self-esteem. There are a lot of different ways to incorporate food into your activities programme. Decorate pizzas with a variety of toppings, peel, or chop vegetables, start a vegetable patch or have themed menus with adjoining activities for the people you support to look forward to.
Promoting good hydration has many benefits from boosting brain function, maintaining urinary and kidney health to healthy digestion. Not feeling thirsty is a natural part of ageing and can also be a symptom or a side effect of other health issues. Dehydration, in care homes for the elderly particularly, is linked to increased falls, delirium, increased urinary tract infections and excessive use of antibiotics. Encouraging fluids isn’t always easy but there are some creative ways to increase the fluid intake of the people you support. Serving ice lollies, jelly or soup will all encourage fluid intake.
Incorporating fluids to your activities programme is an effortless way to encourage extra hydration. Making smoothies or mocktails are great activities as you can include the people you support in the creation of the final product as well as increasing fluid intake. Hosting a coffee morning or going out for tea and cake to a local café or garden centre is another enjoyable way to encourage fluid intake.
Our activity planner for 2022 so far includes a few ideas for nutrition and hydration activities, take a look.
The Nourish platform enables you to set fluid goals, monitor food and fluid intake and set alert warnings for anyone you support who has not met their goal for that day. This enables care teams to ensure that the people you support are eating and drinking enough and if they are not, this can be investigated and corrected. Within the Nourish care system, carers can record MUST scores using the BAPEN scale in just three clicks of a button, all previous or historical numerical data is pulled through from previous scores, migrating the information to eliminate the need for manual calculation and reduce the risk of human error. These can be scheduled at regular intervals so that care teams are alerted when MUST assessments are due. Reports can also be generated quickly and easily that compare previous records.
By recording this kind of data and using Nourish’s insights and reports functions, trends will be spotted earlier. Fish & Chip Friday is a common menu theme across care homes and if someone you support periodically leaves their meal untouched on a Friday, it may be the case they do not like this meal. Recording this data in Nourish enables this information to be shared across care teams and departments quickly and easily.
Some of the people you support may have different nutritional needs such as an allergy or a different level of food and drink. This is logged in each resident’s care plan under the eating and drinking section and then contextually summarised for the carers providing fluid or food interactions to view their preferences, likes/dislikes, and dietary requirements. This can either be shown as a checklist for carers to adhere to or a guide, ensuring every carer and every staff member, including agency, are aware of preference or requirement.
With fluid intake, meal preferences and consumption, and MUST scores all recorded and stored in one place and instantly available, updating nutrition and hydration care plans has never been easier or more effective.
We’re all taught that oral health is essential to keep our teeth healthy but what does this really mean? Poor oral health can lead to malnutrition, pneumonia and a weakened immune system which can make it harder to recover from common illnesses. Studies are being conducted to see whether dental hygiene has any links to dementia. So how can we encourage better dental hygiene?
Getting people you support to the dentist is no easy feat. Dental practices aren’t always accessible, medical settings can be quite distressing and getting there requires accessible transport and extra staff. Instead of taking the people you support to the dentist, why not bring the dentist to you? Domiciliary dental services provide dental care right at home.
Some local NHS trusts offer training on dental health for a few members of staff, appointing these staff members as Oral Health Champions. These Champions undertake the training and the responsibility of training existing and new staff. Ensuring your service is working to the NICE guidelines and the Oral Health policy could also become part of the Champions’ role.
Activities are a simple and fun way to encourage conversations about good oral health. Brushing your teeth may not seem fun but, depending on the people you supports abilities, it can be! If you have any keen knitters, download knitting patterns for knitting teeth, tooth fairies or tooth fairy pouches for grandchildren, young relatives and friends’ children. Arty people could have a go at crafting teeth and toothbrushes out of leftover cardboard and painting them. If you have any connections to a local school or nursery, invite them over (Covid-19 permitting) for a lesson on mouthcare. You could even have a sensory afternoon of science experiments, making elephant toothpaste, growing plaque with yeast and sugar and, egg brushing.
The Nourish platform allows dental hygiene to be logged, tracked and managed and provides an Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT) for new admissions. In Nourish, you are able to plan, manage and evidence dental appointments and visits and use the OHAT for regular reviews on the oral health of those you support. The Alerts and Warnings function can ensure appointments and reviews are not missed. Because dental health can have a significant impact on the general health of the people you support, the ability to monitor means early intervention is possible.
Elizabeth Lodge is a well-established and family run residential care home based in Alverstoke, Gosport. It has a team of twenty-seven lovely staff, devoted to looking after 18 individuals, the majority of whom have some form of cognitive impairment.
Nourish has been a partner of Elizabeth Lodge since 2016, and have been able to see them flourish through going paperless. I spoke with Emma Curtis, the manager of Elizabeth Lodge & Amelia Pullinger, the deputy manager to discuss all things Nourish. Amelia was previously a bank staff carer alongside studying for about eight years, before becoming a deputy manager in February 2019.
We used to have these big paper folders of paperwork, which we would all have to sit down and go through at the end of every shift. Things would often get missed out, because by the time they’ve sat down to write their notes at the end of a long shift, people would forget things.
Although we did log things in the paperwork, they were not as detailed as what we have now on Nourish, as we now have the day grouped into all the different care interactions. Before it was just text. Because Nourish enables you to record things as you go, it is more thorough and more detailed.
The mobile handsets have definitely cut down our time on writing. The younger staff, who are used to using their phones, just think it’s brilliant, but there was a learning curve. For some of the older carers, it did cause anxiety and it was a big change.
Definitely, one of the biggest challenges was people who were nervous about technology and didn’t want to change. This did take time, but now they’re more confident using it.
David, our Head of Account Management at Nourish, has worked closely with the team at Elizabeth Lodge over the years and has seen first-hand how they’ve developed: “As an early adopter of the Nourish system, the care team at Elizabeth Lodge have embraced all sorts of changes within the home and have our full support. Three years on, we are really pleased that Elizabeth Lodge continuing to have a strong partnership with Nourish.”
In the residential care home sector, completing paperwork has long been a laborious task, often left until the end of shifts. This was certainly the case at family-owned Richmondwood Residential Care Home in Charminster. But when you walk through the homely hallways and into the lounge today, there’s no frantic scribbling to be heard; only the sound of happy chatter, the hum of Dickinson’s Real Deal and the occasional chirpy bark from Sophie, one of the resident’s Toy Poodle.
The carers station is free of piles of paperwork. They are instead going about their daily care with smiles on faces and small devices in hands.
Like any care home, Richmondwood used to have hundreds of paper records to complete, update and store. Care plans, risks assessments, daily notes, weight charts, fluid charts, nutrition charts; the list seemed endless.
Carers would have to sit down at the end of their shift and spend at least half an hour writing their notes, taking precious time away from the people they were caring for. Lucy Glazer, who co-manages the home with her sister Holly, said: “They would have to free write a paragraph about the care provided in the morning, afternoon and evening covering everything from assistance required and food and fluid intake to mood and activity involvement. They would then need to store these in various different folders; folders which senior carers would later have to sift through in order to review and update the required care plans.”
For Lucy, going digital was a no-brainer but Holly wasn’t so sure.
“I was very hesitant about moving from paper to electronic records,” said Holly. “I’ll admit I’m somewhat of a technophobe and liked the comfort of having something I could physically touch. You knew that if you wrote something down in ink, you could always see it. Of course, a piece of paper could be lost or damaged, but I was just worried about records being deleted.”
Fortunately, Lucy was very thorough in her search for a supplier and knew exactly what she wanted from a digital system. When she came to understand who Nourish Care were and what our system could do, she set about alleviating her sister’s concerns.
“I’d been super keen to go digital for ages but nothing was right in the market,” added Lucy. “When I discovered Nourish Care, their solution was just what I was looking for. It would allow our senior management team to create digital care plans and our carers to make their daily notes on the go with small handheld devices similar to Smart Phones. Being completely secure, nothing could be deleted and everything was instantly searchable in one place. It was great.”
Working closely with the team at Nourish Care, Lucy and Holly were able to configure the system so that their care plans and daily notes were tailored to the care they provide at Richmondwood and to the individual residents’ needs. Carers now see a personalised timeline of care tasks for each resident, so that they can easily see which tasks are due when and add in the care notes directly after the care is provided; either by typing or talking into the device.
Having all of the information accurately recorded in real-time and instantly accessible means that the carers in the home are kept informed of any changes throughout a shift. Not only does this save the carers time, but the senior management team too. Lucy and Holly now see a real-time overview of their home and can search for notes at the click of a button. This makes dealing with external enquiries from health care professionals, family members and CQC inspectors that much simpler.
Care plans are now also reviewed more frequently, because all the information from the carers automatically feeds into the plans and reports can be generated instantly; changes in health or mood are therefore more easily tracked. The quality of the information recorded has improved significantly and as a result, so has the quality of care provided.
Lucy said: “The biggest difference is knowing more. We now record more data than we ever did before and therefore we have more knowledge. It’s definitely improved accuracy. Just being able to manage fluid charts more effectively has had a huge impact. We can input residents’ fluid requirements individually and then a reminder will pop up on the system every couple of hours with fluid levels. It’s the same with MUST scores too. Before, you only had to make one tiny mistake in the equation for the score to be wrong, but that’s all done automatically. It’s amazing.”
Since using the Nourish Care System, the team at Richmondwood have freed up an entire cupboard, which once stored paperwork, and filled it with games and puzzles for the residents. They’ve saved financially on shredding costs, and deciphering hand-written notes or spilling coffee on paper forms are no longer issues. More importantly, they have improved the quality of care they are able to provide and the residents and staff are happier for it.
Lucy added: “There has been a benefit at every level. Yes, it saves time, but it’s what we are able to do with that time that really matters. Physical care and human interaction can never be replaced and the idea of using technology is to give carers more time to actually care. Using Nourish Care’s system also provides Holly and I with peace of mind as we can access the information from anywhere, even when we are not in the home, and provide support to the team if we need to.”