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Care Planning

Helping you to provide truly personalised care to those you support.

Care and support plan

Build your own or use our custom templates to create person centered care plans for every person you support. Link care records to the relevant sections of the care & support plan and track level of need, risk, planned outcomes and monitor outcomes achieved over time with ease.  

Fully customisable to suit individuals with various care and support needs 
Linked to the day-to-day care interactions so carers can make quick and informed decisions
Care Plan Summary on handset, providing key information at a glance 
Automatic alerts when reviews are coming up  
Managers dashboard for oversight


A Library for every type of care 

Our Libraries of best practice tools adapt to multiple care settings, whilst remaining highly relevant and personal for your service. Our clinical team work hard behind the scenes to build and validate each interaction to ensure they are aligned to standards and relevant to the care being provided. Our Libraries give you the very best starting point for recording care and equip your team with the tools to build your own bespoke interactions and shape Nourish to your needs.  

Benefits of libraries

Suite of best practice tools to record care, highly relevant to the care you provide
Validated assessments and interactions aligned to standards
Add your personal touch and build bespoke interactions to fit your service culture
Deliver consistent care across your team


Design and build care schedules with ease

You will have complete autonomy when it comes to scheduling care. Tailor each interaction according to your preferences and assign access to certain roles for seamless collaboration. Our advanced infrastructure allows for instant multi-service scheduling, single service scheduling to single person scheduling, giving care teams the flexibility and efficiencies required when working within care. This approach to care planning solidifies our position as the top choice among care providers large and small. 

  • Build person centred Timelines for every person supported  
  • Hierarchy of scheduling for greater control and management  
  • Centralised management of interactions, documentation and targets  

Roles and permissions

Managers have full autonomy over roles and can grant access and visibility to certain features of Nourish. By managing roles and permissions effectively, care teams can improve coordination and communication of care tasks as well as ensuring each role has the access they need. When hiring new staff, simple assign them a role and they‘ll have access to everything they need from day one.  

Ensure your team are focused on the right things
Remove unwanted functionality for roles that don’t need it
Limit team visibility to specific people you support
Faster on-boarding of new team members
Message groups of staff based on job roles

Speak to our team

And find out how Nourish can work with you in streamlining your care planning.